If a class is not appearing through a placed Mindbody Schedule Element, please double-check the following:

1) In your Mindbody account, make sure the class is active and allows online reservations

2) On your liveedit website, make sure that each Class Type and Service Category associated with the class is checked within the settings of your placed Mindbody  Schedule Element:

  1. Login to your Liveedit website. (Login Guide)
  2. Navigate to your schedule page with the placed Mindbody  Schedule Element 
  3. Click the Edit button to jump into edit mode
  4. Click the placed Mindbody  Schedule Element to bring up the settings window. 
  5. In this window, check each Class Type and Service Category you wish to display on the website. Note: If you do not see a recently added Class Type and Service Category, please try logging out of your LivEedit website and then logging back in. This will create a new session to ensure the latest information from your Mindbody account is seen.

  6. Click Save Changes

Please Note: 

  • Any time a new Class Type or Service Category is added to your mindbody account, it will not be automatically checked in an already placed Mindbody  Schedule Element.
  • If you have no "Edit" button on your schedule page, you are using an Integrated Schedule Page. The integrated schedule page will automatically pull over all available classes for online booking from Mindbody. If a class is missing, please review your Mindbody class setup.