In This Article:

Liveedit 1.0 (Legacy)

This is a legacy version that is no longer receiving new features or updates. If you see the below liveedit toolbar, your website is on 1.0

Liveedit 1.5 (Latest)

This is the latest version that is receiving new features and updates. If you see the below toolbar, your website is on our latest 1.5 version.

What do I get by moving to 1.5?

Here are some key improvements they will see when moving to our new 1.5 platforms:
  • Updated drag-and-drop content editor.
  • Set properties to specific content areas, such as color or background images. 
  • Updated design and features to our Dashboard section. 
  • Updated Blog app.
  • Updated Form app. 
  • Updated Page management.
  • Hide and schedule content to be published using Draft Mode.
  • Duplicate placed Elements, such as Text or Images, to easily make a copy.
  • Updated the Design tab to set site-wide styling and easily change page templates. 
  • Website built on our 1.5 platforms are built on a responsive framework compared to 1.0 which had separate code for mobile/desktop. 
  • Receives ongoing improvement, features, and security updates from liveedit.

How can I upgrade my 1.0 website to 1.5?

Please submit a ticket and our team will reach out as soon as possible.