In This Article:

How to access the Blog

To access the Blog, navigate to the Dashboard section then click on the Blog icon. Upon first accessing the Blog, you will see all your drafted posts. 

Creating a new post

To create a new blog post, click on the blue Write a Post button in the top righthand corner. Next, fill out the Title, Content, and an optional Excerpt to build up your post.

Adding Text

Within the Content section, you will be greeted with our familiar text editing tools to change font colors, size, and apply style tags, etc. 


  • To Paste copied content from a Word document or other source, please use Keyboard Shortcuts. Right-click to paste is not currently an option.

  • When Pasting text from a Word document or other source, the stylings (font family, color, size, etc) will not carry over. Please restyle your text once pasted.

  • The Style Tag (Main Text) dropdown allows you to apply a style tag, such as a Heading 1, to your text. When applied, the default stylings (font family, color, size, etc) for these tags that come from your website's design will be set. This is a great way to keep the design of your blog consistent with your website. You can also find additional styling options under the dropdown to the right of this one!

  • You can expand the Content box by clicking and dragging the dotted triangle icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the Content Box.

Adding Images

To add an image to your post, click on the Insert Image icon. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the Upload icon to view your website's File Manager. From here, you can either select an existing image or upload a new one.

Once you've added an image, you can highlight it and then click on Float Right or Left to have the image appear alongside your text. 

You can also add spacing around your image by going to the Advanced tab then adding Vertical or Horizontal Space.

Adding Videos

To add a video to your post, click Insert then select Media. In the pop-up window that appears, you can either place a link to a YouTube video in the Source field or click on the Upload icon to add a video (MP4) from your website's File Manager. 

To add a PDF link, click on the Insert Link then click on the Upload icon. In the pop-up window that appears, select an existing PDF that is already uploaded or upload a new one! 

Note: If you apply a Class, such as Button1, it will add button styling to your link! 


At the bottom of your blog post, you can add an Excerpt. When this is filled out, your entered text and a Read More button will appear on your main blog page instead of the full post. The Featured Image will also appear. Visitors can then click on the Read More button to view the full post. To help keep your main blog page organized and easy to read, we encourage you to fill out the Excerpt for every post. 

Excerpt Example:

Saving a Draft

When creating a new post or the post is set as a draft, it will auto-save your changes every 5 seconds. You can see the last save time in the upper left-hand corner. You can also manually save by clicking the Save Draft link. Once a post is saved as a Draft, you can access it under the My Post section.

Note: Editing an already published Blog post will not automatically save a new draft.

Publishing your post

Once you are ready to publish your post, click on the green Publish button. A popup window will then appear to complete a few additional options before your post is published.  

Featured Image - If a featured image is uploaded for a blog post, that will appear on the main blog page/element if you also have the Excerpt field out. You can choose to have the Featured Image displayed in the post as well or just on the main blog page/element. 

  • The Featured Image will also be displayed when sharing your blog post on Facebook and other social media. 
  • When inserting a Featured Image, you can click on the blue edit pencil next to the Current Size to change out the size. 

Add Featured Image to Post - When enabled, your uploaded Feature Image will appear above your content when viewing the full blog post. 

Author - Select an Author for your new post. 

Permalink - By default, our system will create a link to your blog using the title but you can choose to create your own if needed

Source - If your blog contains content from another source, you can credit it by adding a link to the original content in the Source field. Any links added to the Source field will appear at the bottom of the blog post. 

Tags - Assign tags to your blog post. 

Comments - Enables the ability for visitors to leave a comment on the post.

Schedule for Later - Schedule your post to be published at a later date. Note, this time is based on your set Timezone under Account Settings and is displayed in a 24 Hour Format

Publish Now - This will publish the post right away for visitors to view.

Title Tag - Set a specific SEO Title Tag for your blog post.

Meta Description - Set a specific Meta Description for your blog post.