Under the Pages section, you will be able to create and organize different pages throughout your website.

In This Article:

How to access your pages

You can access all of your pages by clicking on the Pages button within the Edit Toolbar or through the Dashboard section.

What is a Page, Menu, and Sub Menu?

  • Pages allow you to add and build unique content through your website. you create is a unique location within your website. We offer a wide variety of Page Types, such as a page you add content to, a link, a page alias, and more.

  • Menus are used to group and display different Pages throughout your LiveEdit website. Your website will have one primary Menu, such as the "Main Menu", which will be the main navigation bar on your website.

  • Sub Menus are used in conjunction with Menus to create dropdown tabs. To learn more, please see our guide here. Note: The words (Dropdown) will be appended to the name of a Sub Menu. 

Creating a Page

To create a new page, click Add Item. Next, in the pop-up that appears, select a Page Type, give the page a Display Name and select a Menu Location. Once entered, click Create Page. Your new page will now appear on the list of pages on the left.

Different Page Types

Page - This will create a blank page that you can drag and drop content on through Edit Mode. This page type counts against the total page limit of your website's package. These pages allow you to update the SEO content, such as a Title Tag

Page Alias - This will create a copy of an existing page. Both the original page and the copy share the same content so if you edit something on one page, it adjusts it on the other. Page Aliases are a great way to display the same page in multiple menus. Note: If you wish to duplicate a page but edit them independently, see our Duplicate A Page section below.

Link -This will create a link to an existing page or external website. If linking to a page within the site, use a relative path (e.g. /example-page). If linking to an external site, use a full path (e.g https://example.com). You can also add anchor points.

Service - This will create a link to an integrated service, such as our Blog

Sub Menu - This will connect with a menu to create a dropdown tab. To learn more, please Click Here.

Advanced - This tab allows for the advanced option of inserting code to create a custom menu option. Note: If you need to add custom code to your website, such as a website widget, please see Click Here.

MINDBODY - (MINDBODY User Only) - This will create a link to an integrated MINDBODY page. 

Creating a Menu

To create a menu, click on Add Item then select Menu. Give your menu a Display Name then click Create Menu

Page Properties

Each Page you create will have different properties you can set, such as the SEO and Permission Level. Here is an overview of each tab: 

Basic - This tab will let you set the Display Name (how the tab appears to visitors) and if it should open in a new tab. This is also the tab where you adjust the link added for a Link Page

SEO - This tab will let you set an SEO Title Tag, Meta Description, and much more. To learn more about SEO, please Click Here. Note: This tab only appears for the "Page" Page Type.

Permissions - This tab will let you lock editing content to a specific permission level. To learn more about permissions, please Click Here

CSS - This is an advanced tab that lets you assign a CSS class to a page

Duplicating a Page

Duplicating a Page is a great way to copy the design of an existing page but add new content. To duplicate a page, click on the Duplicate button that appears under the Basic tab when viewing. In the pop-up that appears, select a new Display Name and select Menu to place it in

Please Note: After duplicating a page, you may need to clear your Browser Caching to see ensure you see the formating on the new page.

Moving and Rearrange Pages

You can move pages between different menus by clicking and dragging the dotted box within the tab of a page

Hiding Pages

Most of our templates will include a hidden Menu, such as "Not In Menu" or "Hidden", that you can use to store pages that are not in use. If you also wish to prevent a page from being indexed on Google, please Click Here.