Mindbody Branded Web Tools (mindbodyonline.com/business/branded-web-tools) are quick and easy widgets that connect your website to Mindbody so that clients can view, book, and buy 24/7.

In This Article:

Mindbody Branded Web Tools Manager

To access Mindbody Brande Web Tools, please visit https://brandedweb.mindbodyonline.com/users/sign_in

  1. After creating a widget in Mindbody Branded Web Tool Manager, clicking Save & Deploy will prompt a screen to copy a code snippet. Click on Copy to copy the full code snippet.
  2. Log into your liveedit website (How to Login)
  3. Navigate to the page you wish to add the widget to.
  4. Click Edit to jump into Edit Mode.
  5. Drag and drop the HTML Element into a content area.
  6. Paste in the code snippet copied from Mindbody Branded Web Tool Manager and then click Save Changes to save.

Mindbody's Branded Web Tools offer an advanced customization feature that allows you to add inline CSS classes. This allows you to add button styling to a Buy Now link by adding a CSS class within mindbody's code snippet. 

Within the data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-text-link" portion of the code, try adding se_button button1 or se_button button2. Please note that your design may include different button class names.

Example Before:

<script src="https://widgets.mindbodyonline.com/javascripts/healcode.js" type="text/javascript"></script><healcode-widget data-version="0.2" data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-text-link" data-site-id="96200" data-mb-site-id="-2894" data-bw-identity-site="false" data-type="pricing-link" data-inner-html="Buy Now" data-service-id="10045" />

Example After:

<script src="https://widgets.mindbodyonline.com/javascripts/healcode.js" type="text/javascript"></script><healcode-widget data-version="0.2" data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-text-link se_button button1" data-site-id="96200" data-mb-site-id="-2894" data-bw-identity-site="false" data-type="pricing-link" data-inner-html="Buy Now" data-service-id="10045" />

Mindbody Branded Web Tools offers a Login/Register link option and can be added to your main navigation menu as a tab. 

  1. Create the link within mindbody Branded Web Tool Manager and copy the code.
  2. When creating the link, please make sure to adjust the Link Text to what you wish to have the tab displayed as.


  3. Log into your liveedit website (How to Login)
  4. Click on Pages
  5. Click on Add Item
  6. Select the following options:
    • Type = Select Advanced
    • Advanced = Paste in the code snippet from Mindbody Branded Web Tool Manager.
    • Display Name = Enter the same value as the widget Link text
    • Menu Location = Select your Main Menu
  7. Click Create Advanced