Open Graph (OG) tags tell social media platforms, such as Facebook, how to display your webpage when it's shared. For example, below is how a link can appear as a link on Facebook.

Facebook Link Preview Example:

In This Article:

Accessing Social Share

  1. Login
  2. Navigate to Pages
  3. Click on the Page you wish to update to open the properties
  4. Click on the Social Share tab
  5. Update each respective setting then scroll down and click Update to save.


Set a specific image to appear when sharing your website link.

Image Recommendations:

  • Use an image that is 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Use an image less than 8 MB.

Please Note: If no image is uploaded, some social networks may attempt to grab the first rendered image on the page or favicon.


This is the title that displays when this page is shared on social networks. 

Please Note: If this field is left blank, it will automatically inherit your SEO Title under the SEO Tab.


This text displays below the og:title when this page is shared on social networks.

Please Note: If this field is left blank, it will automatically inherit your SEO Description under the SEO Tab.

Facebook vs X (Twitter)

X (Twitter) offers their own unique tags you can use if you wish to have a different title, descrption, and image appear compared to Facebook.


Why is Facebook not showing my latest og:image when sharing a link? 

Facebook offers a free debugging tool you can use to rescan your website to ensure it sees the latest adjustments.

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your URL and click Debug
  3. Click Scrape Again