The Colors tab allows you to set different stylings, such as color and fonts, throughout your entire website.

In This Article:

Please Note: If you worked with our Design team to create a custom design, this tab may appear hidden.

Adjust the styling of your main navigation menu.

Please Note: On mobile, your menu is hidden behind a clickabnle menu that appears as three bars. The Mobile Menu Icon Color let you adjust the color of this icon. This is often referred to as hamburger menu!

Adjust the styling of a Sub Menu (Drop Down tab).


Adjust the color within the Header section at the very top of each page.

Please Note: On some IINSite design templates, the Header color adjust the default color behind Section-one on each page.

Adjust content within the Footer section at the very bottom of each page.


When adding a button1 styling to a link, it will pull what you have set under the Buttons section for styling.

Form Buttons

This section only applies to buttons on any forms created with our Form Builder.

Social Icons

This section allows you to set a unique color for the Social Media icons that is automatically generated once you add your social links under Site Settings.

Line Divider

The color set for the Line Divider applies to any Horizontal Lines set within a Text Element